Scientific and Technologic Research Articles
Feelings and palpitations of teachers : paths traveled around the new educational practices of the María Escolástica Normal Superior Educational Institution in times of pandemic


John Alexander Giraldo Botero Mario Andrés Gómez Quintero

The objective of this research is to understand the feelings of teachers regarding the new educational practices, which emerged during the pandemic, at the María Escolástica Normal Superior Educational Institution, in the municipality of Salamina, Caldas (Colombia). For this process, an exercise of systematization of experiences with a hermeneutic historical approach was proposed as a methodological framework; the interview was used as a data collection technique in a focus group of four teachers and a head teacher. In this regard, the main findings show a range of experiences lived by teachers in their pedagogical work during the pandemic, in which frustration, expectations, resilience and adaptation to the new conditions of the educational context predominate. Likewise, it is possible to recognize the importance of the teacher as a source of transformation in educational processes and as a bridge between quality and the development of skills, when considering aspects such as innovation and the linkage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Through all this study, it is concluded that the teacher has a conscience willing to make the greatest effort in his educational work; Likewise, it is noted that he seeks to change his pedagogical practice to adapt it to the new schemes caused by the pandemic.

Keywords: experiences, training, systematization, learning, pandemic
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Feelings and palpitations of teachers

paths traveled around the new educational practices of the María Escolástica Normal Superior Educational Institution in times of pandemic


  • John Alexander Giraldo Botero I.E Normal Superior María Escolástica
  • Mario Andrés Gómez Quintero I.E Normal Superior María Escolástica



experiences, training, systematization, learning, pandemic


The objective of this research is to understand the feelings of teachers regarding the new educational practices, which emerged during the pandemic, at the María Escolástica Normal Superior Educational Institution, in the municipality of Salamina, Caldas (Colombia). For this process, an exercise of systematization of experiences with a hermeneutic historical approach was proposed as a methodological framework; the interview was used as a data collection technique in a focus group of four teachers and a head teacher. In this regard, the main findings show a range of experiences lived by teachers in their pedagogical work during the pandemic, in which frustration, expectations, resilience and adaptation to the new conditions of the educational context predominate. Likewise, it is possible to recognize the importance of the teacher as a source of transformation in educational processes and as a bridge between quality and the development of skills, when considering aspects such as innovation and the linkage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Through all this study, it is concluded that the teacher has a conscience willing to make the greatest effort in his educational work; Likewise, it is noted that he seeks to change his pedagogical practice to adapt it to the new schemes caused by the pandemic.

Author Biographies

John Alexander Giraldo Botero, I.E Normal Superior María Escolástica

Master in Education - Licenciature in Philosophy and Letters

Mario Andrés Gómez Quintero, I.E Normal Superior María Escolástica

Master's degree in education. Bachelor's degree in basic education with emphasis in physical education, recreation and sports.


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How to Cite

Giraldo Botero, J. A., & Gómez Quintero, M. A. (2023). Feelings and palpitations of teachers: paths traveled around the new educational practices of the María Escolástica Normal Superior Educational Institution in times of pandemic. Revista De Investigaciones, 21(38).



Scientific and Technologic Research Articles