Scientific and Technologic Research Articles
Eating practices, home customs that have an impact on the classroom : On students of the La Estación School, Lebrija, Santander (2018)


John Elkin Figueroa Ravelo

The objective set in the present study is to reflect on the impact of a healthy diet of boys and girls in school age on their academic performance. A cross-sectional descriptive study with a quantitative approach was used, using the survey as a collection technique addressing eating habits, types of foods consumed, and actions and sensations. Likewise, height and weight data of each student was used to identify their Body Mass Index (BMI), a sample of 109 third grade students from the Estación school in Lebrija, Santander was consulted. The results showed a preference for packaged foods, which goes against a healthy diet. The BMI data determined that students with a normal anthropometric profile for their age have superior or high performance, above students who are overweight or thin, which suggests a relationship between eating habits and academic performance.

In the different regions of Colombia, eating habits have been changing, where the economic situation has influenced, but beyond this, there are cultural practices that have been guiding the consumption of packaged products over fruits and vegetables, which has brought problems of obesity and malnutrition despite the fact that households have resources to acquire quality food (Capacho, Gonzáles and Marín, 2020).

The child population is a population group most affected by food insecurity in Colombia. According to the National Institute of Health (INS) (2022), there is a significant number of infants who suffer from moderate and severe acute malnutrition. In 2021, 16,009 cases were presented in Colombia, a number higher than that presented in 2020, where 10,744 cases were evident. The issue affects both dispersed rural areas and urban centers. In Valle del Cauca, one of the most industrialized departments in the country and with the greatest economic development, 159 cases of malnutrition occurred in 2021, according to the Departmental Health Secretariat (2021), it has been indicated that there may be under-registration due to lack of reports from remote areas of the department.

Keywords: Eating habits, foods, School performance, student, Food consumption
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Eating practices, home customs that have an impact on the classroom

On students of the La Estación School, Lebrija, Santander (2018)


  • John Elkin Figueroa Ravelo Universidad Arturo Prat (Chile)



Eating habits, foods, School performance, student, Food consumption


The objective set in the present study is to reflect on the impact of a healthy diet of boys and girls in school age on their academic performance. A cross-sectional descriptive study with a quantitative approach was used, using the survey as a collection technique addressing eating habits, types of foods consumed, and actions and sensations. Likewise, height and weight data of each student was used to identify their Body Mass Index (BMI), a sample of 109 third grade students from the Estación school in Lebrija, Santander was consulted. The results showed a preference for packaged foods, which goes against a healthy diet. The BMI data determined that students with a normal anthropometric profile for their age have superior or high performance, above students who are overweight or thin, which suggests a relationship between eating habits and academic performance.

In the different regions of Colombia, eating habits have been changing, where the economic situation has influenced, but beyond this, there are cultural practices that have been guiding the consumption of packaged products over fruits and vegetables, which has brought problems of obesity and malnutrition despite the fact that households have resources to acquire quality food (Capacho, Gonzáles and Marín, 2020).

The child population is a population group most affected by food insecurity in Colombia. According to the National Institute of Health (INS) (2022), there is a significant number of infants who suffer from moderate and severe acute malnutrition. In 2021, 16,009 cases were presented in Colombia, a number higher than that presented in 2020, where 10,744 cases were evident. The issue affects both dispersed rural areas and urban centers. In Valle del Cauca, one of the most industrialized departments in the country and with the greatest economic development, 159 cases of malnutrition occurred in 2021, according to the Departmental Health Secretariat (2021), it has been indicated that there may be under-registration due to lack of reports from remote areas of the department.

Author Biography

John Elkin Figueroa Ravelo, Universidad Arturo Prat (Chile)

Magíster en administración de la tecnología educativa, Estudiante de doctorado en ciencias de la educación, Universidad Arturo Prat (Chile)


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How to Cite

Figueroa Ravelo, J. E. (2022). Eating practices, home customs that have an impact on the classroom: On students of the La Estación School, Lebrija, Santander (2018). Revista De Investigaciones, 22(40).



Scientific and Technologic Research Articles
