Scientific and Technologic Research Articles
Impact of the Specialization in Educational Management of the Universidad Católica de Manizales on Colombian Schools


David Arturo Ospina Ramírez Sandra Bibiana Burgos Laiton Pbro. Luis Guillermo Restrepo Jaramillo

This article is part of a research of the Specialization in Educational Management of the Catholic University of Manizales. It shows partial results of a study of the impact of the specialization on the performance context of its graduates in Antioquia, Caldas and Cauca. The article focuses on a variable of perception of the graduates, which made it possible to investigate the impact that the specialization program in educational management has had on the action scenarios of the graduates, from their own perceptions. The research was mixed, descriptive, giving high importance to the narratives of the participants, which accompany the quantitative data of the study. It allowed identifying that there is a concordance between the achievements, competencies and occupational profile proposed by the program, and the impact perceptions of its graduates; however, it also showed that there were some variables of the curriculum that, although proposed by the program, did not have an impact in the context of the graduates, which allowed opening the way to a re-signification of the program.

Keywords: educational administration, educational change, sustainability, program evaluation

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Impact of the Specialization in Educational Management of the Universidad Católica de Manizales on Colombian Schools




educational administration, educational change, sustainability, program evaluation


This article is part of a research of the Specialization in Educational Management of the Catholic University of Manizales. It shows partial results of a study of the impact of the specialization on the performance context of its graduates in Antioquia, Caldas and Cauca. The article focuses on a variable of perception of the graduates, which made it possible to investigate the impact that the specialization program in educational management has had on the action scenarios of the graduates, from their own perceptions. The research was mixed, descriptive, giving high importance to the narratives of the participants, which accompany the quantitative data of the study. It allowed identifying that there is a concordance between the achievements, competencies and occupational profile proposed by the program, and the impact perceptions of its graduates; however, it also showed that there were some variables of the curriculum that, although proposed by the program, did not have an impact in the context of the graduates, which allowed opening the way to a re-signification of the program.

Author Biographies

David Arturo Ospina Ramírez, CINDE Foundation

PhD student in Social Sciences, Childhood and Youth at the University of Manizales.

Sandra Bibiana Burgos Laiton, UCM

Doctoral student in Education. Master in Education.

Pbro. Luis Guillermo Restrepo Jaramillo, UCM

Catholic University of Manizales. PhD in Theology from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.


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How to Cite

Ospina Ramírez, D. A., Burgos Laiton, S. B., & Restrepo Jaramillo, L. G. (2021). Impact of the Specialization in Educational Management of the Universidad Católica de Manizales on Colombian Schools. Revista De Investigaciones, 21(38).



Scientific and Technologic Research Articles