Scientific and Technologic Research Articles
The Argumentation : A Strategy To Learn The Concept Of Chemical Bond


Jesús Xavier Bernate Tovar Francisco Javier Ruiz Ortega

Objective: to describe the argumentative levels that support students’ conceptual models on the topic of chemical bond. Methodology: the research proposal is based on a qualitative descriptive approach, along with a qualitative analysis. A questionnaire applied to25 students of an urban-public school in the city of Manizales, Caldas, Colombia was the instrument used for the data collection process at the beginning and at the end of the didactic intervention supported in the development of argumentative processes. Findings: the highest argumentative levels are related to school conceptual models, which are close to the scientific models. Conclusion: When implementing the strategies that fostered the argumentation in class, a proportional relation in the complexity of the arguments built by the students, was generated, identifying gradual changes in the progress of both aspects.

Keywords: argumentation, argumentative levels, conceptual models, learning

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The Argumentation

A Strategy To Learn The Concept Of Chemical Bond


  • Jesús Xavier Bernate Tovar Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora
  • Francisco Javier Ruiz Ortega Universidad de Caldas



argumentation, argumentative levels, conceptual models, learning


Objective: to describe the argumentative levels that support students’ conceptual models on the topic of chemical bond. Methodology: the research proposal is based on a qualitative descriptive approach, along with a qualitative analysis. A questionnaire applied to25 students of an urban-public school in the city of Manizales, Caldas, Colombia was the instrument used for the data collection process at the beginning and at the end of the didactic intervention supported in the development of argumentative processes. Findings: the highest argumentative levels are related to school conceptual models, which are close to the scientific models. Conclusion: When implementing the strategies that fostered the argumentation in class, a proportional relation in the complexity of the arguments built by the students, was generated, identifying gradual changes in the progress of both aspects.

Author Biographies

Jesús Xavier Bernate Tovar, Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora

Magíster en Educación, Universidad de Caldas. Profesor Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora, Manizales, Colombia.

Francisco Javier Ruiz Ortega, Universidad de Caldas

Doctor en Didáctica de las Ciencias y las Matemáticas, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Profesor Departamento de Estudios Educativos, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Bernate Tovar, J. X., & Ruiz Ortega, F. J. (2019). The Argumentation: A Strategy To Learn The Concept Of Chemical Bond. Revista De Investigaciones, 19(33), 27–37.



Scientific and Technologic Research Articles