Costumes of The Totoró People “Tontotuna Community”
identity, indigenous peoples, cultural diversity, food customsAbstract
Objective: to identify the cultural conceptions and modifications to the lifestyles that have been occurring in the Tontotuna population. Methodology: qualitative (ethnography of the eating habits) through guided interview with 12 indigenous of the Totuna population with an average age of 52 years old, where the key interlocutors were 4 taitas and 8 representative men of the community. The fieldwork was carried out during the months of September to December of 2013 in the houses of the participants. Results and conclusions: the cultural processes of the indigenous community of Totoró are modified by the different influences of the environment and globalization, which is demonstrated in their clothing and diet, as well as in the loss of their ancestral values and inherited beliefs of respect to the mother earth, and as a result of it, it is possible to contrast with the climate changes and the increase of illnesses more common to the settlers than to the indigenous.
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