Scientific and Technologic Research Articles
Real collaborative learning from communities of inquiry in virtual higher education


Ednna Milena Vega Bolivar Smith Ibeth Guerrero Rodríguez

The present article aims to highlight, from the perspective of teachers and students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Pedagogy program at the School of Educational Sciences of the National Open and Distance University (UNAD) in the Central Zone of Boyacá, the most recurrent shortcomings when carrying out collaborative learning through virtual methodology. It seeks to reflect on possible solutions that allow for the integration of skills and characteristics inherent to this work strategy. In this way, aspects to consider for developing genuine collaborative learning were presented, revealing the deficiencies encountered so far and enabling the integration of the Sharp approach as a perspective that includes elements and dynamics that foster collaborative learning by promoting active learning. This approach encourages students to seek solutions to problems, analyze different topics from various perspectives, and challenge their peers’ opinions. Within this perspective, it is possible to consider each member’s perception, as its purpose is to allow them to reflect, analyze, reach consensus, organize, and support their ideas. Nomen (2019) states that critical thinking enables us to substantiate our opinions with solid arguments and valid reasons, as we constantly evaluate reality and take positions regarding it.

Keywords: collaborative learning, virtuality, active learning
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Real collaborative learning from communities of inquiry in virtual higher education


  • Ednna Milena Vega Bolivar Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
  • Smith Ibeth Guerrero Rodríguez Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia



collaborative learning, virtuality, active learning


The present article aims to highlight, from the perspective of teachers and students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Pedagogy program at the School of Educational Sciences of the National Open and Distance University (UNAD) in the Central Zone of Boyacá, the most recurrent shortcomings when carrying out collaborative learning through virtual methodology. It seeks to reflect on possible solutions that allow for the integration of skills and characteristics inherent to this work strategy. In this way, aspects to consider for developing genuine collaborative learning were presented, revealing the deficiencies encountered so far and enabling the integration of the Sharp approach as a perspective that includes elements and dynamics that foster collaborative learning by promoting active learning. This approach encourages students to seek solutions to problems, analyze different topics from various perspectives, and challenge their peers’ opinions. Within this perspective, it is possible to consider each member’s perception, as its purpose is to allow them to reflect, analyze, reach consensus, organize, and support their ideas. Nomen (2019) states that critical thinking enables us to substantiate our opinions with solid arguments and valid reasons, as we constantly evaluate reality and take positions regarding it.

Author Biographies

Ednna Milena Vega Bolivar, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Licenciada en educación preescolar

Magister en Educación

Smith Ibeth Guerrero Rodríguez, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia


Magíster en Educación


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How to Cite

Vega Bolivar, E. M., & Guerrero Rodríguez, S. I. (2023). Real collaborative learning from communities of inquiry in virtual higher education. Revista De Investigaciones, 23(41), 5–38.



Scientific and Technologic Research Articles