Music to Live Together in Harmony
music, musical band, social habilities, pacific, peaceful living togetherAbstract
This document is the result of the final report of a research on "the practice of band music in the development of social skills for peaceful coexistence with students of a musical band in the municipality of La Dorada, Caldas-Colombia". The process carried out in the framework of the research describes the characterization of the social skills that are developed through the musical band practice, the contributions in social and experiential aspects that the musical band practice makes to the students and the contributions to peaceful coexistence.
This research was developed under the mixed approach and the narrative-hermeneutic method, for which the voice of the actors themselves is used through semi-structured and open interviews for the construction of the data, together with the application of the social skills scale instrument (EHS) to 25 students who are members of the student band from 12 to 17 years of age and whose purpose is the evaluation of assertion and social skills.
The analysis of the data allows concluding that the bands as socio-formative spaces contribute and contribute to the development of social skills that favor peaceful coexistence, since through the confrontation of the stories and the psychometric test it is possible to interpret and understand the changes in the social relationships of the students.
This document will address the category called "music for living together in harmony".
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