The Cyborg's Architecture : An Integrative and Inclusive Transhumanist View


Andres Felipe Restrepo Pineda

Cyborg architecture explores the convergence of biology and technology, merging biological elements with electronic components to enhance human capabilities. This article aims to understand transformations in bodies, highlighting the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in our relationship with the physical and digital world. From wearable devices to biomedical implants, AI has influenced how we perceive, control, and enhance our bodies. Transformations and their impact on society and the human experience in the era of AI are explored.

Each body, within the sociocultural context, is transcendental and subject to changes with augmented prosthetics that affect appearance and identities. Currently, the body has been a subject of theoretical debate, addressing concepts such as mentality and worldview, with a materialistic focus. Urban social imaginaries gain importance in communities, altering aesthetics and transforming existing ones. Analogical hermeneutics is used as a sociological methodology to analyze transfigurations in human identity and bodily hybridization through technologies that change technoscientific paradigms. This approach seeks to understand progress and its implications in contemporary society.

Keywords: Cyborg Architecture, Artificial Intelligence and Human Enhancement, Sociocultural Impact of Body Transformations, Urban Social Imaginaries, Analogical Hermeneutics in Sociological Analysis
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The Cyborg's Architecture

An Integrative and Inclusive Transhumanist View


  • Andres Felipe Restrepo Pineda



Cyborg Architecture, Artificial Intelligence and Human Enhancement, Sociocultural Impact of Body Transformations, Urban Social Imaginaries, Analogical Hermeneutics in Sociological Analysis


Cyborg architecture explores the convergence of biology and technology, merging biological elements with electronic components to enhance human capabilities. This article aims to understand transformations in bodies, highlighting the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in our relationship with the physical and digital world. From wearable devices to biomedical implants, AI has influenced how we perceive, control, and enhance our bodies. Transformations and their impact on society and the human experience in the era of AI are explored.

Each body, within the sociocultural context, is transcendental and subject to changes with augmented prosthetics that affect appearance and identities. Currently, the body has been a subject of theoretical debate, addressing concepts such as mentality and worldview, with a materialistic focus. Urban social imaginaries gain importance in communities, altering aesthetics and transforming existing ones. Analogical hermeneutics is used as a sociological methodology to analyze transfigurations in human identity and bodily hybridization through technologies that change technoscientific paradigms. This approach seeks to understand progress and its implications in contemporary society.


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How to Cite

Restrepo Pineda, A. F. (2022). The Cyborg’s Architecture: An Integrative and Inclusive Transhumanist View . Revista De Investigaciones, 22(40).