Scientific and Technologic Research Articles
Measurement of school climate in public educational institutions in Cali, Colombia.


Jorlen Ancizar Soriano Marín

The objective of this article is to measure school climate to provide public educational institutions with a concrete, evidence-based and quantitative analysis of the situation. At the methodological level, a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach is used. The variables addressed in this study were grouped into three modules: school climate test, individual student well-being and family functionality, as well as a survey of factors associated with school climate. The study was carried out in 51 institutions, with a population of 38,047 students enrolled in grades 6 to 11. According to the findings, it can be concluded that the school climate is influenced by internal and external dynamics. Dysfunctional families, lack of support and guidance affect student relationships, risk and threat factors such as theft, consumption and trafficking of psychotropic substances, presence of weapons, gangs and alcohol consumption, affect student relationships, leading to violence and insecurity within the institutions.

Keywords: citizenship education, student wellness, schools, scholar climate, Cali, Colombia
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Measurement of school climate in public educational institutions in Cali, Colombia.




citizenship education, student wellness, schools, scholar climate, Cali, Colombia


The objective of this article is to measure school climate to provide public educational institutions with a concrete, evidence-based and quantitative analysis of the situation. At the methodological level, a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach is used. The variables addressed in this study were grouped into three modules: school climate test, individual student well-being and family functionality, as well as a survey of factors associated with school climate. The study was carried out in 51 institutions, with a population of 38,047 students enrolled in grades 6 to 11. According to the findings, it can be concluded that the school climate is influenced by internal and external dynamics. Dysfunctional families, lack of support and guidance affect student relationships, risk and threat factors such as theft, consumption and trafficking of psychotropic substances, presence of weapons, gangs and alcohol consumption, affect student relationships, leading to violence and insecurity within the institutions.

Author Biography

Jorlen Ancizar Soriano Marín, Universidad Católica de Manizales

Colombiano, residente en la Ciudad de Cali Valle, servidor público de la Alcaldia de Cali Valle- Secretaría de Educación desde el año 2020, también docente universitario (Universidad Católica de Manizales) desde 2019, candidato a doctor de la Universidad Arturo Prat de Chile.
Amplia experiencia en el sector educativo en educación formal regular. Interesado en en el mejoramiento de los procesos de gestión escolar.


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How to Cite

Soriano Marín, J. A. (2022). Measurement of school climate in public educational institutions in Cali, Colombia. Revista De Investigaciones, 22(39).



Scientific and Technologic Research Articles