Scientific and Technologic Research Articles
Intersectoriality : A political issue


Dr. Óscar de Jesús Quintero Ochoa

The recognition of the need for the coordinated participation of the different social sectors involved in the comprehensive development of education leads to the intersectoral approach as an expeditious way to multiply the effect of isolated actions and efforts.

In intersectoral educational action, political development should imply a greater possibility for all sectors to be represented, while at the same time allowing for an increase in their participation and influence in the coordination of decisions made regarding educational proposals that contribute to the development of the territorial area.

In this sense, it is essential to guarantee, in intersectoral development, the political will to ensure that the elements that make up a program or a joint social project in the field of education interact as a system and at the same time make it sustainable.

Keywords: Intersectoriality, politic will, educative planification, coordinated participation
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A political issue


  • Dr. Óscar de Jesús Quintero Ochoa UCM


Intersectoriality, politic will, educative planification, coordinated participation


The recognition of the need for the coordinated participation of the different social sectors involved in the comprehensive development of education leads to the intersectoral approach as an expeditious way to multiply the effect of isolated actions and efforts.

In intersectoral educational action, political development should imply a greater possibility for all sectors to be represented, while at the same time allowing for an increase in their participation and influence in the coordination of decisions made regarding educational proposals that contribute to the development of the territorial area.

In this sense, it is essential to guarantee, in intersectoral development, the political will to ensure that the elements that make up a program or a joint social project in the field of education interact as a system and at the same time make it sustainable.

Author Biography

Dr. Óscar de Jesús Quintero Ochoa, UCM

Degree in Philosophy and Letters from the Universidad de Caldas; Specialist in Educational Planning and Specialist in University Teaching from the Universidad Católica de Manizales; Doctorate in Education from the Universidad de Salamanca; Teacher/Researcher of the Master's Degree in Education and Member of the Alfa Research Group of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education of the Universidad Católica de Manizales.


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How to Cite

Quintero Ochoa, Óscar de J. (2009). Intersectoriality: A political issue. Revista De Investigaciones, 9(13), 28–35. Retrieved from



Scientific and Technologic Research Articles