Scientific and Technologic Research Articles
Unconventional laboratories for teaching fluid physics


Wilton Robeiro Arenas Londoño Luis Hernando Carmona Ramírez

Fluid mechanics requires a teaching strategy that encourages the active participation of students. An adequate proposal are non-conventional laboratories, which do not need expensive instruments and resources for their implementation. Under this modality, a study was carried out whose target population was made up of 34 basic education students for adults, with whom two laboratory practices were implemented, each one accompanied by a pre-test and post-test, in order to measure the progress of the students after the intervention. The research approach used was quantitative and a free chi-square test was applied to analyze the dependence of the variables. The objective that was proposed was to contribute to the teaching and learning process of fluid mechanics to students of basic education for adults, through the use of non-conventional laboratories. Finally, the conclusive findings determined that the use of the practices contributes to the learning and improvement of the fundamental concepts of fluid physics.

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Unconventional laboratories for teaching fluid physics




Fluid mechanics requires a teaching strategy that encourages the active participation of students. An adequate proposal are non-conventional laboratories, which do not need expensive instruments and resources for their implementation. Under this modality, a study was carried out whose target population was made up of 34 basic education students for adults, with whom two laboratory practices were implemented, each one accompanied by a pre-test and post-test, in order to measure the progress of the students after the intervention. The research approach used was quantitative and a free chi-square test was applied to analyze the dependence of the variables. The objective that was proposed was to contribute to the teaching and learning process of fluid mechanics to students of basic education for adults, through the use of non-conventional laboratories. Finally, the conclusive findings determined that the use of the practices contributes to the learning and improvement of the fundamental concepts of fluid physics.

Author Biographies

Wilton Robeiro Arenas Londoño, nstitución Educativa Rural Gabriela White de Vélez. Frontino, Antioquia, Colombia.

Magíster en enseñanza de las ciencias.

Luis Hernando Carmona Ramírez, Universidad Católica de Manizales. Manizales, Caldas, Colombia.

Magíster en didáctica de las matemáticas.


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How to Cite

Arenas Londoño, W. R., & Carmona Ramírez, L. H. (2021). Unconventional laboratories for teaching fluid physics. Revista De Investigaciones, 21(37), 71–82.



Scientific and Technologic Research Articles