Scientific and Technologic Research Articles
Paulo Freire : One Hundred Years of Educational and Political Redefinition


Yebrail Castañeda Lozano

This investigative article aims to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Paulo Freire and assess the validity of his educational and political legacy through the presentation of some social problems of the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodological design will be developed from the following social phenomena, deepened by coronavirus: pandemic denial, political individualism, and foreign colonization. The denial trend requires a new literacy that, according to Freire (1989), must go beyond the school to understand and interpret the current world. The contradiction of political individualism will be clarified with the Freirian pedagogical taxonomies that seek to overcome the division between oppressors and oppressed for the sake of a better world. In addition, the colonization of the great powers, as is the case of the situation generated by the distribution of vaccines to Latin Americans, requires a new democratic identity in which participation and freedom of decision are incorporated. 

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Paulo Freire

One Hundred Years of Educational and Political Redefinition




This investigative article aims to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Paulo Freire and assess the validity of his educational and political legacy through the presentation of some social problems of the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodological design will be developed from the following social phenomena, deepened by coronavirus: pandemic denial, political individualism, and foreign colonization. The denial trend requires a new literacy that, according to Freire (1989), must go beyond the school to understand and interpret the current world. The contradiction of political individualism will be clarified with the Freirian pedagogical taxonomies that seek to overcome the division between oppressors and oppressed for the sake of a better world. In addition, the colonization of the great powers, as is the case of the situation generated by the distribution of vaccines to Latin Americans, requires a new democratic identity in which participation and freedom of decision are incorporated. 


Author Biography

Yebrail Castañeda Lozano, Universidad de la Salle. Bogotá, Colombia.

Filósofo. Candidato a Doctor en Filosofía de la Universidad de la Salle (Bogotá-Colombia).


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How to Cite

Castañeda Lozano, Y. (2021). Paulo Freire: One Hundred Years of Educational and Political Redefinition. Revista De Investigaciones, 21(37), 60–70.



Scientific and Technologic Research Articles