Editorial: This section is composed of a single short and concise text per issue, which generally serves as a preview of the articles to be found in the issue, in an attempt to unify them thematically. In addition, it has the dual function of showing the regular reader important changes to the editorial policy and providing general news on the operation of the journal and its achievements. This text is not peer-reviewed and is generally written by the editor, by members of the editorial board or the international scientific committee, at the request of the editor.

Artículos de investigación: These are the scientific corpus of each issue; they will be articles resulting from completed research, bibliographic review or case studies that synthesize or analyze information, or argumentative reflections that are in line with the subject matter of the journal. After being accepted by the editor and the editorial committee, these articles are evaluated by a double-blind review system, by suitable academic peers, in order to maintain the scientific quality of the journal.


.Scientific Research Article

Document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects.

.Analityc-Reflection Article Derived from Research

A document that presents the results of research already completed and published in other academic journals from the analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the writer of the reflection article, on a specific topic, using original sources.

.Revision Article

A document resulting from a completed research in which the results of published research on a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized or integrated, in order to account for the progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

.Article Length

It is suggested that research articles have a minimum length of six thousand words (6000) and a maximum length of eight thousand (8000).


Revista de Investigación will publish full-length articles originally written in Spanish, English or Portuguese.


The journal suggests the use of the following thesauri for the incorporation of keywords in the document: Unesco Thesaurus.